Recently I read an article on multitasking. I recommend that you should too. In this age of competition where one tries to outsmart the other, we are under ever increasing pressure to multitask without knowing the effect it has on our mental and physical health, our life and even on the quality of our works we multitask. For instance this article is typed even as I was listening to some music on my headset, while simultaneously looking past the computer screen to see if there is anything interesting shown on TV! At least these are harmless activities carried out in the comfort of my home that don’t endanger my life. iStock_000004738853XSmall.jpg

But yesterday while I was driving, I was holding the wheel with one hand, eating a donut with the other, and cleaning out my windscreen with wiper fluid using my little finger (the weather was OK but the windscreen as well as the side windows were moist and prevented clear visibility. They desperately needed cleaning if I were to avoid collision) all at the same time. The result, my vehicle started to wobble and I had to slow down and pull over voluntarily to fix the problem. But my responsible act attracted the attention of the patrol police that pulled over behind me to see if things were OK with me.

Sir, are you lost? was the polite question posed by the police officer. If it were a philosophical question, I could have replied, Yes Ma’am (yes, it was a lady), I am lost in my life and don’t know which way to go. Well, that may not have gained her sympathy, but would have got me a ticket instead. Luckily some good sense prevailed upon me to tell her the truth. Her verdict was that I wasn’t good at multitasking and was kind enough to let me go without penalty. They say, more often than not you get a ticket from a female officer than the male. Was it my lucky day or am I a ladies’ man? I would prefer the latter though.

I resolved then and there never to multitask. So I focused on my driving till my car was out of sight from the patrol car, and then picked up the donut. That’s another one of my resolutions down the drain (It’s not the new year yet to make and break the resolutions, you say and I hear you).I would rather blame it on the donut than on my will.

Anyway let my incident be a clear reminder to you not to multitask. Hope you are not reading this while drinking your coffee or coke or whatever. Remember I am supposed to be your guide and I am not lost.

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